Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chapter 32: Where Oh Where Has My Motivation Gone?!

It's happened...I've lost my motivation :(

I'm trying to get it back, but when you lose motivation it's like attempting to hang onto a car as it dangles off a cliff....there's no point in even trying because you know it's going to fall. I'm not strong enough to hold onto my motivation.

The past few days have been fine, but it's like since I haven't been in the gym and I've been doing all my workouts outside, I've just lost it. I haven't gained any weight, but I've only lost 3lbs since I've been home...I should been down to atleast a 10lb weight loss at this point in the summer. I'm not sure what to do. I can make myself go but it's soooooo much harder when I don't have the motivation.

I've been thinking and I believe the one sure thing that will kick my motivation back into gear is to watch a few episodes of The Biggest Loser. I still have them all on my computer/ipod so I think I'll just have to sit down and watch a couple. I'm really hoping and praying that doing that will help to motivate me. I really want to lose another 20lbs before I go back in August...and now it's coming down to the last month of summer, so I've really got to buckle down if I'm gonna do it.

I will lose 100lbs by March so I really need to just focus and take it. I have to convince myself that the pain is a good thing. I have to convince myself that I will NOT give up. I have to convince myself that I'm changing my life. I have to convince myself that I'm getting healthy. I have to convince myself that I will not stop. I have to convince myself that I'm living. I have to.


  1. The main thing is don't get discouraged and quit. Just because it's slowed down, be happy about the 3 lbs! You're still moving in the right direction. Will you feel like a loser if you only lose 90 by then? Of course not! You need to just step up the momentum. Remember that... You're still doing it! You are STILL DOING IT! Now go to the gym!

  2. Good luck. I haven't lost any weight since April. It isn't because I do not have the weight to lose (another 85 pounds). I have talked to a nutritionist and a personal training and weight loss happens in fluctuations. Focus on how you feel. I might have not lost any weight but I have lost inches.

    Motivation is a really personal thing. What motivated you to begin with. Think of that. It was really TBL for me. They had a marathon of season 4 on the reality network at the beginning of the year. Holly Self really hit it home for me. When I get discouraged I go on her facebook profile and watch reruns. She looked exactly like me when I started and I look at her transformation and think how much I want it.

    Do not give up! You can do this!
