Sunday, July 5, 2009

Chapter 35: My First 5K Marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I DID IT!!! And I didn't die lol!

Well it took me 46 minutes but I race my first ever 5K Marathon yesterday!!! I was so excited...well except for getting up at 6am lol. The race started at 7 and I finished right around 8:45! I was in pain and today my legs are killin' me, but I felt great! The endorphin rush was awesome! I walked a small bit just because my legs started to cramp, but I pretty much ran/jogged the entire thing! I was sooooo happy! When I finished I couldn't have been more proud! I was so happy I honestly could've cried lol. I actually did it, I ran a was a small Marathon, but I gotta start somewhere! lol.

While I was running I kept reminding myself that I am changing my life. I am getting healthy. I am doing this for me. Nobody else, but me. It was awesome! I took some pics before and after and a little bit during, so I've posted them below for ya!! :)

Everyone at the starting line! Me with my Nutritionist friend! :)

Me after the race...I was sore lol. Me with my mom!

Me crossing the finish line!!! :) Almost to the finish line....almost!

"Run Forrest, run!" lol.. I can see the finish line, just a little more!

At the start of the race.... The sign I had on my back during the race!


  1. Congrats! You've got your head and your feet in the right place! You are an inspiration.

  2. Thanks so much inspire me just by knowing that you are reading my blog! It really helps knowing that I'm not going through this journey alone! :) Thanks for being there!

  3. OMG!!! CONGRATS. What a great surprise to come back to from my vacation. I am so happy you got your motivation back. A 5k is quite an accomplishment!
