Friday, July 3, 2009

Chapter 34: I'm Back! (5K, Here I Come!)

Well my motivation has finally kicked back in! And it has had a lot of great changes these past few weeks! I've decided for sure to change my major to Dietetics, now the only thing is that I'm just really trying to keep my voice I'm trying to work that out.

BIG, BIG NEWS!!!!!! *Drum Roll>>>>>>>>>*

I ran my first ever full 5k (even though it wasn't an actual competition, I still ran it for practice). I've walked plenty of practice 5K's, but this was different. I started out and I told myself, "I will run this entire walking!" Well I started running and I felt great. It wasn't until I got to a hill on my road that my legs started to hurt. I pushed through it then once i got to the top I stopped for about 30 seconds, stretched then started up again. I repeated this process two more times out of the entire thing. My ending time was 47 minutes! I was so proud! Now for the really big news...............

Tomorrow is my first REAL 5K!!! It's the Fiddler 5K (it's a festival in my hometown that hosts a marathon)...I wasn't gonna do it but I talked to a friend of mine today and she really encouraged me to run it! So I'm going to. I won't finish first, but I really want to do it! I just hope I finish under and hour and without dieing haha! Well wish me luck! I'm hitting the sack so that I'll be ready...6am will come pretty early! :)


  1. OMG! I am so proud of you! You are inspiring me. Reading this tells me that I can do it. I'm not into running (especially with bad knees) but I'm getting back into riding my bike and gardening more... Just generally being active again! Keep up the momentum. I'll be here rooting you on!

  2. That's awesome Mzzlily! Even the smallest bit of activity is great! I'm rootin for ya! :) Keep me updated!
