Sunday, September 20, 2009

Chapter 43: Vegetables Taste Like Dirt...haha.

Ok so I have no clue what to talk about, but I just wanted to post a quick blog to update you and to ask you to let others know about my blog!

I realized yesterday I'm slowly starting to lose my motivation and I'm already looking at March (my goal date) and thinking, "Man, I'm gonna be so embarrassed when March rolls around because I'm still gonna be a fat cow!" a way, I've already began to except the failure in my mind. But I can't! I can't let it get to me!

I'm working so much now that it's so hard for me to find time for the gym. Last semester I was going about six times a week and now that's cut down to about it's really bothering me. I'm eating really healthy though, so I'm trying to make up for the loss of exercise in my diet.

I found a blog a few days ago (more like a week or two ago I think lol) that has really inspired me. I want you to check it out. The woman's name is Pamela and she has lot a great amount of weight! Her story is inspirational, and it has definitely given me the kick in the butt that I needed. It has sparked my motivation, but I'm still struggling with keeping it. I just get so tired. I've posted her blog link below so please, please, please check it out and subscribe to her! :)


  1. I'll check it out.

    Don't lose your momentum. Think about the future. Forget March... Where do you want to be in 10 years? How do you want to feel when you're 40? Do you want to drag an oxygen tank around with you the last half of your life?

    Every day you put it off, is another day you could have been healthy. It only gets harder when you get older. (Believe me!) It only takes a few minutes to do a routine before you start your day.

    So in a few days, post about what kind of morning routine you decided on... I'm here on the sidelines cheering!

  2. Thanks for the plug, Chase :) Hang in there and don't despair about the temporary loss of motivation. It happens to everyone. Get back in the game. You're going to make it!

  3. No problem Pamela! Your story is amazing and I want others to know about it :) Thanks for the motivation!

    Lily, the funny thing is that I'm not a "morning workout" person, or so I think lol. I've worked out once at 7am and I vowed I would never do it again lol, but I think I may actually start this week. Especially on some of the days that I work at night...I can go in the morning :)

    "Think about the future. Forget March... Where do you want to be in 10 years?"

    Um, healthy and fit. Not even thin, but I just want to be healthy. I may be healthy at 180lbs which for me won't be thin, but it'll still be healthy.

    "Do you want to drag an oxygen tank around with you the last half of your life?"

    Def. not and I'm glad you mentioned that because it truly scares me to think that if I had not started my weightloss journey, I might be doing that in 40 years...or sooner :(

    "Every day you put it off, is another day you could have been healthy."

    I like that lol...I'm gonna use that as one of my motivation quotes! :) Thanks Lily!!

  4. I saw your tweet to Ali Sweeney and came here to check out your blog. Did you know that you're already an inspiration to others too? :) You look freakin' awesome now! I've been yo-yoing my weight for years and am tired of it. I've been back on the wagon for a week now but I seriously need to get to it hardcore. I'm having a problem with food since I'm a picky eater. I plan on updating my weight loss chart/page soon after I lose some pounds.

    P.S. Love the quotes! Thanks!

  5. Thanks Steph! I'm so glad I have your support, and you can do it! I have faith in you! Us dieters have to stick together :) I still have about 70lbs to go, but i WILL do it! I watch TBL religiously and it inspires me soooooo much! I hope to help inspire others after my journey. Please let me know the link to your blog and I'll definitely follow you :)


  6. Keep it up! Don't give up now, when you are getting so much closer. Think of the wonderful like you'll have when all this is behind you and a healthy lifestyle is your "norm".
