Sunday, April 12, 2009

Chapter 12: Finally Caught Up

Well it is now April 12 and I'm officially up to date with my blog.  The rough part about starting a blog is that several blogs are spent describing your story, etc. etc.  But now that I'm finally caught up with my story and where I am now I can start writing daily blogs, or atleast a few per week. 

I worked out today for about three hours and it was so dang exhausting.  I got back from church around 12:30, after having been there since 8am for Easter Services, and I was just exhausted so I decided to take a thirty minute nap.  The nap lasted for about ten minutes when I was, yeah you get the picture...anyhow I was disturbed from a deep, peaceful sleep by people being hoodlums yelling in the hallway, running up and down the hall acting crazy.  So I decided to get up.  I then checked my facebook and realized I really needed to go workout.  I was tired and didn't feel like it, but I knew I needed to.  I sat at my computer for a few minutes then decided to get ready.  I made my way to the gym where I worked out for about three hours.  I went from the treadmill to weight training to the smaller bike then to the larger "mountain" bike.  The whole time I had to keep telling myself to workout and to push through it.  I was already there...I might as well work.

Since I've started working out my stamina has really built up and I'm able to do things that I haven't been able to do in years.  For example, I can now RUN at a brisk pace for about three minutes at a time.  Hey!  That's alot of time for a fat person lol.  I think running is one of the most exciting things.  It really makes me feel amazing.  I can't wait until I'm about 160lbs and then I can just run everywhere lol.

I also just bought an iPod touch which is sooooooooooooooo amazing.  I get wifi at the gym so while I'm on the treadmill or the bike I can email, check my facebook, and even write blogs!  It's such an amazing little gadget.  :)

Well it's about 10:50pm so I should probably hit the sack.  Please keep reading and I'll keep updating...Thanks guys!

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