Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chapter 3: Senior Year

Senior year I also started wearing jogging pants and gym shorts, but not because I was to fat to fit into jeans, but because it was senior year...I wanted to be comfortable and lazy.  The worst thing about wearing gym shorts is that over the span of senior year I put on about 50lbs; however, I didn't realize it due to the fact that I was wearing elastic.  Maybe if I had worn more jeans I would've realize they no longer fit.  Maybe I could have caught this problem sooner. 

Graduation day I wore the biggest gown they had and I still looked like a whale, but once again, as soon as I stepped on stage to sing for the Ceremony I felt as though people forgot that I was a fat-ass.  I never really worried about fat people stuff either.  I would still do things as though I were thin, but all the while it just made me look like an idiot.  At graduation, while I sat in the seats I started to get paranoid thinking, "What if I fall walking across the stage?"  Not only would it be embarassing for a regular size person, but for a human whale it would be horrible.  I would probably break a hole in the stage and they would have to stop the ceremony to have someone come fix the hole so that nobody would get killed falling through it.  Then everyone would hate me for making them sit there and wait.  I thought about this the entire speech from our Principal, so by the time I got up to get my diploma I was sweating, trying my hardest not to fall.  I even lifted up my robe as I walked up the small plank to the stage.  Luckily I didn't fall and I didn't ruin the entire graduation.

I had done it...I had graduated.  I was done.  Not for long.

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