Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chapter 7: A NEW Beginning

Christmas was over and January had started.  Time to get back to school.  Classes started back on the 15th and I arrived at school more motivated than I’d ever been.  I was prepared to conquer the world.  Contrary to what my family and friends had said, I did pretty well the first week back.  I ate things like Subway, Chicken Salad Sandwiches on Wheat Bread, Baked Chips, WATER, and no sweets.  I was still motivated and was still going. I also started going to the gym.  I was no longer just walking on the treadmill for a boring hour then going back to my room where I would then eat a bag of chips and some candy (Like I was doing the semester before), but instead I would eat a pretty big meal about an hour before I worked out.  I would then work out and didn’t feel the need to binge afterwards.  I felt proud.  It was a great beginning.  Of course, everything was a “great beginning” but after the second week I realized, this was no longer the beginning.  The beginning had already happened at Christmas.  I realized mid-February that I was well into my Weight-loss Journey.  That motivated me even more.

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