Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chapter 2: Nutrition Class

I have tried all kinds of diets...I've tried working out, only to quit three days into the program.  I also tried the whole eating disorder thing.  I became Bulimic around the end of sophomore year, and I hid it extremely well.  I lost a little bit of weight, but I was mainly always in a bad attitude because I was hungry and sick.  I carried this on until Senior year.  Nothing ever seemed to work, so by my senior year of high school I had accepted the fact that I was overweight and would probably be overweight for the rest of my life.  I used to joke around and say, "I was born fat and I'll die fat." however that is not something I really believed nor did I want it to happen.  Senior year, spring semester I took a Foods & Nutrition Class as an elective with one of my best friends.  The teacher was awesome and we both loved her and looked up to her, therefore we enrolled in the class.  We both enjoy cooking so we thought it would be fun to take.  The first part of the semester the class focused on Nutrition, such as what to eat, what NOT to eat, etc. 

We learned about different foods that provide different vitamins and nutrients.  We learned that your body needs a combination of many things to stay healthy.  We also learned how to substitute healthy food for nonhealthy food in recipes.  It seemed to be a great start for eating healthy.  I still, however, didn't take this chance as the golden opportunity to lose weight.  I continued to eat large portions, going back for seconds and even thirds at the buffet, eating dessert for a meal, eating a ton of sugar, drinking soda, then complaining that I couldn't fit into jeans.  

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